
  • Two Lines of Thought on the Middle East Peace Process

    The debate around the peace process essentially rages around two lines of thought. The first line, pragmatic, considers that it is basing itself on realities, very harsh and painful realities. They see that the US has won a huge victory in the Gulf War, that the war has had disastrous economic effects on the Palestinians,…

  • The Holocaust & Israel

    After the mounds of bones at Auschwitz, the incinerators and gas chambers, we understood those who said, “Never Again!“ We thought we understood. Except while saying, “Never Again!” they told the Palestinians they could not become citizens of the state called Israel, explaining to the world that the Jews, a chosen race of people, had…

  • Intersectionality

    There are many versions of the story of the blind men and the elephant. Some involve three blind men, some six. The essence of the story is that each of the blind men, in trying to ascertain the nature of an elephant, touch one of its parts – its flank, its leg, its trunk, etc.,…

  • On White Privilege

    To begin, I must qualify my observations, however, by stating that I am not speaking of the European-American upper middle class and the elite who indeed do enjoy “white skin privilege.” I am speaking of the European-American working class, first of all, and even the average segment of the European-American middle class. Of course we…

  • Racism & it’s Centrality – Excerpt from “The Crime of Impunity – The Crime of Punishment”

    ON THE CENTRALITY OF RACISM In a book devoted to crime and punishment, why has racism been so much its centerpiece? First, because racism is this country’s key crime. And second, because racism is at the heart of the criminal justice system. We need not revisit the horrors of the slave past. These are usually…

  • Racism & the Criminal Justice System – Excerpt from “The Crime of Impunity – The Crime of Punishment”

    CONCLUSION The penal system is but a replica — in more brutal form because hidden from public view — of the larger society outside the walls. Each day, correction officials commit untold numbers of crimes against inmates. And the perpetrators of such crimes are, from a moral standpoint, far inferior to those who are being…

  • Why do we need a People Power Movement?

    With all of the “left” and “progressive” groups out there why do we need a People Power Movement?  Doesn’t creating another group just further splinter a divided “progressive” community? To answer these questions we need to look at our organization’s Principles of Unity:   We Believe in Independent Politics.  This means that in studying history…

  • Unity

    Unity is a beautiful idea. A society of peace and justice can only be achieved if the people are united, if the oppressed and exploited are united. All those who play a constructive role and advance the struggle are to be welcomed. But the European-American who attended Tuesday night’s meeting at Highbridge called for unity…

  • Two Paths – Time to Make the Choice

    There are two educational models before us: On the one hand, there is the model of the so-called stakeholders at the table. At the head of the table is the billionaire Mayor. Sitting at his right, his stooge the Chancellor of the Department of Education. Sitting at his left, the mayoral members of the Panel…

  • Thoughts on CPE/CEP

    In the interest of full disclosure, I wish to let you know that I am a Marxist. But at the same time I request that I not be held responsible for the actions of those who also claimed to have been or presently claim to be Marxist. The question has been raised (until now privately)…

  • Promoting a People’s Board of Education

    The way we get to a goal is as important as the goal itself. More accurately stated, the way we get to a goal is inseparable from and determines how thegoal turns out. So the process of struggle in arriving at a People’s Board of Education is crucial. It should not be only the product…

  • The Fight for Popular Control of Education

    Riding the wave of the Southern civil rights movement and the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision, the struggle in the North against the separate and unequal, racist public school system grew more intense. In New York City Rev. Milton Galamison assumed the leadership of that struggle, but he was taking over struggles…