This website has been organized as a resource for those seeking fundamental social change – a humane society. It contains the fruit of over 60 years of study and struggle – writings, poems, and videos which are informed by scientific theory and which, in our opinion, are still pertinent.
Two Lines of Thought on the Middle East Peace Process
The debate around the peace process essentially rages around two lines of thought. The first line, pragmatic, considers that it is basing itself on realities, very harsh and painful realities. They see that the US has won a huge victory in the Gulf War, that the war has had disastrous economic effects on the Palestinians,…
The Holocaust & Israel
After the mounds of bones at Auschwitz, the incinerators and gas chambers, we understood those who said, “Never Again!“ We thought we understood. Except while saying, “Never Again!” they told the Palestinians they could not become citizens of the state called Israel, explaining to the world that the Jews, a chosen race of people, had…
Privileges: Prison & “White Skin”
Prison management involves use of both carrot and stick. The carrot is the “privileges” offered to the prisoner for obedient behavior. This encourages the inmate to view as a favor that which he should be receiving as a matter of right, to reduce him to dependence on the jailer’s good will, to a slavish mentality.…
On Political Criteria for Participation in Election Campaigns
It would seem useful to have some general criteria in mind in guiding us when considering participation in electoral campaigns. These criteria would seem to apply whether the office is President of the United States or school board member. The criteria enumerated below, which are not meant to be exhaustive should not be considered to…
Why Do We Insist on Rejection of the Two-Party System as a Point of Unity?
Everything begins with the understanding that the corporations and banks are the enemies of all the people, and especially the working people, and among workers, workers of color most of all. We understand that the corporations and banks control all the social institutions – the corporate media, the courts, most churches, the universities, even…
A Note on Aesthetic Style
Original, handwritten note; undated. Actually, I don’t have a style nor do I believe in that artificiality. I submit myself to the natural and allow the subject to emerge–to fight its way through. The shape in which it emerges is of necessity its own style. I make myself the instrument through which the message flows.…
Until They Have Stopped
Dedicated to Paul Robeson, Sr. Until they have stopped glutting me with slop from the kitchen’s garbage to make fat profit of me like a hog, Until they have stopped slitting my throat like a defenseless animal’s in the near-Christmas time killing for the Christmas feast, Until they stop the knife which in my tenderest…
Without Music
Originally excerpted in 1972 from the unreleased collection, Why Do I Have Corns On My Feet? This is the way it is without music Stale dishwater—untechnicolored Rich in the recommended calories And the not so recommended grease Whose stagnant inactivity Leaves a ten hour old tidal mark Around the half-emersed pile Of breakfast dishes The…
Joe Kaye & Sarah E. Wright – Memories of Cuba [Video] | People’s Forum
Hear Joe share his & Sarah E. Wright’s beautiful memories of visiting Cuba, witnessing the early fruits of the Revolution, and welcoming Fidel Castro to Harlem in 1960. The full video discussion is available from The People’s Forum.
Revolution – Poem
Good God! Here she comes now Lurching this way Coughing blood Hollow-eyed The after-birth oozing down her leg. Fist upraised Defiant smile If you’re not ready for her Better move out the way Who am I? I’m with her.
Suggested Principles of a Pre-Party Vanguard Organization
Originally written c. 1990-1992 The capitalist system is a slave system. One cannot make it humane any more than one could have reformed the old slave institution to make it humane.The aim of our organization is to radically transform society by ending all forms of exploitation and oppression. And nothing short of overturning the present…