Tag: struggle

  • Journal Excerpt – Mouna Hamzeh-Muhaisen (2000)

    From the diary of Palestinian journalist, Mouna Hamzeh-Muhaisen, in Dheisheh refugee camp, near Bethlehem, 2000. Wednesday, October 4 The numbness that I feel for the past six days continues. When I arise at 4 o’clock in the morning – I haven’t been sleeping much these past days – I try not to rush to the…

  • Why We Need a Firm and Consistent Ideology

    Discussion originally proposed to the People’s Power Movement Steering Committee, 2010. What is ideology? A more or less internally consistent body of ideas, set of ideas, generally concerning politics, economics, society, which usually reflects the interests and/or social position of a particular class or social stratum. In our movements, we need to strengthen our ideology…

  • Reformism vs. Revolutionary Tactics

    There are reformists who sincerely desire to see fundamental social change.  Their view is that they differ from revolutionaries “only” in the matter of tactics, since they share the same goals. It is good to strive for revolution, they say, but that is way down the road, the necessity for which is understood and supported…

  • Combating Defeatism

    While the initial response to the present crisis is working class retreat, of worldwide governmental capitulation to imperialism and especially US imperialism and the creation of a new Holy Alliance, it cannot be too long before militant resistance surfaces to challenge the global system in dozens of countries virtually simultaneously, a resistance which a hemorrhaging…

  • Why Politicians Are Not Our Legitimate Representatives

    What does “growing up” mean? It means, among other things, developing the ability to think critically. It means coming to understand that not everything that exists is right, necessary or permanent. We are born into a political system which we take for granted. We start off by thinking it is perfectly natural and democratic. Then,…

  • Open Letter to the French Communist Party

    My Ties to the French Communist Party Almost 50 years ago, your great leader Jacques Duclos sent a letter to the Communist Party of the United States which has become part of the treasure house of Party history here and which remains of great significance.Based upon the unity of the Allies in the Second World…

  • The Role of Black Activists in the General Movement

    It is vital to all like-minded African-American activists to discuss the building of a Left Pole in the again-revived National Liberation movement, with a focus on these functions:

  • Pressure Politics

    Context – Critique of an interview given by Jim Haughton on 99.5 WBAI, September 1990. Haughton said the main task was to be able to bring to bear sufficient pressure from the African-American community on Mayor Dinkins to counter the enormous pressure he faces from the powerful interests, that Dinkins wanted to do the right…

  • Mandela: An Example of Principled Leadership

    Mandela: An Example of Principled Leadership

    Analyzing an excerpt from Nelson Mandela’s The Long Walk to Freedom, addressed to the New African Voices Alliances in the late winter of 1990. I thought I might use the speech of Nelson Mandela as an example of what good revolutionary leadership is. Everyone has noted his remarkable strength and dignity, notwithstanding the ordeal of…

  • Struggling Against Racism & Class Interests – Letter Excerpt, June 1989

    In discussing the question of racism, I think the emphasis shifts, depending upon the audience. When speaking to a predominantly white audience, it is necessary to stress that the struggle against racism is a key and indispensable aspect of the class struggle. Without the struggle against racism, one cannot pursue a class struggle, but rather…