My Observations on Sarah E. Wright’s Monumental “This Child’s Gonna Live” – Endorsed by the author!
On the political level, Sarah Wright was most influenced by a strong Left tradition whose heroes and models in the black community were Paul Robeson, W.E.B. Dubois, and which had its literary representative in the 1960s in the journal Freedomways, edited by Esther Jackson. While Ms. Wright’s primary focus was on the plight of African-Americans,…
Conversation with my son–About flowers
“Child, look for flowersIn our fields; they are there.There is a kind that growsOut of hungering soil,In spite of stiffened earth –In our fields. “There is a kind that teethes on rock,Thrives on the trampled leavings;This is a kind that will not dieUnsunnedIn our fields. “Don’t bother your head with roses!You will not want to…