Revolution – Poem
Good God! Here she comes now Lurching this way Coughing blood Hollow-eyed The after-birth oozing down her leg. Fist upraised Defiant smile If you’re not ready for her Better move out the way Who am I? I’m with her.
I Went for a Job
Originally submitted and published in multiple papers, including Philly Daily Worker, in 1953. Bookkeeper wanted? There were a lot of ads in the Philadelphia Inquirer, One whole column and a half– I picked out a good one: Bookkeeper, capable of handling complete set of books, small manufacturing concern, young woman, experienced, call between 9-11. Ask…
Originally published in Sarah E. Wright and Lucy Smith’s Give Me a Child (1955) , now out of print. If you’d like to assist/keep up-to-date with efforts to get the book printed again, follow our Substack. This moment is precious: The car has stopped. Thank God for red lights And seats enough this morning. Oh…