‘Israel’ in Latin America
This study was presented at a symposium in Cuba, arranged by the International Secretariat for Solidarity with the Arab People and their Central Cause, Palestine. The importance of the Israeli military role in Latin America can be traced back to imperialism’s defeat in Vietnam, which for a time diminished the US’s capacity to intervene directly…
Concerning the Establishment of an Independent Palestinian State in Part of Palestine
With the agreement on the strategic goals of defeating the Zionist State of Israel and establishing a democratic secular state, there is still an important question of appropriate tactical goals. The one that comes up most frequently is the possibility of establishing an independent Palestinian state in part of Palestine, alongside Israel. This question comes…
The Hidden History of the Israeli-Conflict
This is not a comprehensive history, just a few dry facts soaked in the tears of Palestinian mothers and the blood of Palestinian children.
The PLO-Israeli Peace Accord – Another Notch in the Gun Barrel of the New World Order
Notwithstanding the handshakes, the general euphoria and the media ballyhoo, Palestinian hopes for a homeland have been dealt a devastating blow.The “historic breakthrough” began with a carefully choreographed exchange of letters. First, Yasir- Arafat, Chairman of the PLO, sent a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin containing two essential points: First, the PLO’s recognition…