Tag: movement critique

  • The Collapse of the USSR, Tasks of Communists – Letter Excerpt, April 1993

    In my opinion, Marxist-Leninists are faced with three major responsibilities in this period: First, to keep the banner of socialism and Marxism-Leninism flying; second, to critique collectively the historical experience of socialist construction from a socialist and Marxist-Leninist standpoint, which means dialectically, not discarding that experience but embodying it in a higher theoretical synthesis, and…

  • The Movement’s Requirements

    There is no need to lay out all the components of today’s growing social and economic crises nor detail the symptoms of growing racism and repression. We are all aware of the problems. What we need to do is to develop a vision of how we can not only strengthen our fight against the continued…

  • Open Letter to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

    New York, New York – 1989 It is undoubtedly naive on my part to believe that members of such a highly responsible body as yours would take the time to read a letter from an individual, a foreign individual at that, who has no important organizational ties nor public reputation, one who, moreover, is presumptuous…

  • National Liberation and Class Struggle

    The success of national-liberation movements is intimately linked to its social content. The more the national revolution adopts a social program that embraces the burning needs of the masses, the more the masses become part of that movement, the stronger that movement, the more rapid its victory and the greater the assurance against national betrayal…