On Political Criteria for Participation in Election Campaigns
It would seem useful to have some general criteria in mind in guiding us when considering participation in electoral campaigns. These criteria would seem to apply whether the office is President of the United States or school board member. The criteria enumerated below, which are not meant to be exhaustive should not be considered to…
Unity is a beautiful idea. A society of peace and justice can only be achieved if the people are united, if the oppressed and exploited are united. All those who play a constructive role and advance the struggle are to be welcomed. But the European-American who attended Tuesday night’s meeting at Highbridge called for unity…
Thoughts on CPE/CEP
In the interest of full disclosure, I wish to let you know that I am a Marxist. But at the same time I request that I not be held responsible for the actions of those who also claimed to have been or presently claim to be Marxist. The question has been raised (until now privately)…
Why We Need a Firm and Consistent Ideology
Discussion originally proposed to the People’s Power Movement Steering Committee, 2010. What is ideology? A more or less internally consistent body of ideas, set of ideas, generally concerning politics, economics, society, which usually reflects the interests and/or social position of a particular class or social stratum. In our movements, we need to strengthen our ideology…
Reformism vs. Revolutionary Tactics
There are reformists who sincerely desire to see fundamental social change. Their view is that they differ from revolutionaries “only” in the matter of tactics, since they share the same goals. It is good to strive for revolution, they say, but that is way down the road, the necessity for which is understood and supported…
A Response to: “The Revolution Will Not Be Funded” (Tang, 2007)
Eric Tang is to be commended and thanked for his historic sketch of the “movement,” as well as for engaging in a long-needed critical examination of the role of NGOs. I am sure Eric would be the first to agree that his reflections were not meant to be exhaustive. And so I would like to…
What do we find today among those who are interested in justice, who are concerned, disturbed, saddened by the suffering we find in our midst? What do we find among those committed to doing something about the problems of our society? There are those who make their vocation – paid in addressing this or that…
Combating Defeatism
While the initial response to the present crisis is working class retreat, of worldwide governmental capitulation to imperialism and especially US imperialism and the creation of a new Holy Alliance, it cannot be too long before militant resistance surfaces to challenge the global system in dozens of countries virtually simultaneously, a resistance which a hemorrhaging…
Race, Class, and Revolution – A Few Amplifying Remarks
Originally written June 3, 1996. CAPITALISM Capitalism breeds and is inseparable from racism, xenophobia, sexism, and a limitless assortment of inequities. Inequitable practices and the bigotry that rationalizes them are profitable! Capitalism is organized on the principle of dog-eat-dog, survival of the most ruthless. It is overwhelmingly competitive in nature. The capitalist sharks are sharp…
Left Fragmentation
The Left is incredibly fragmented. Obviously, as long as it is in pieces it will remain weak. And yet that is not the real problem at this juncture. The real problem is that the Left is divided into essentially two pieces, if we consider only their political complexion and not other factors such as national…