“Progressives” & Anti-Cuban Doomsayers
Everyone knows that Cuba has been going through an acute crisis in the past few years, a crisis in part the result of the US policy of destabilization (the economic blockade), in part the result of the collapse of the socialist countries, and in part – and this is left out of the contributing factors…
Hiding Under the Rock of the Balance of Power
Across the globe today blows the icy winds of uncontested power. A Great Black Hole, an unprecedented concentration and unprecedented accumulation of capital, is irresistibly drawing to it and swallowing up the universe of the world’s assets, the world’s natural resources and the world’s labor. The enormous power of capital, acting in concert with and…
Excerpt from: “Iran Contragate” (1987)
But the fact that the White House basement apparatus could have been created in spite of all the Congressional “reforms” instituted after the Watergate affair and designed to prevent just such things as occurred in Iran/Contragate proves conclusively, if proof were still needed, that only a powerful, organized popular movement can really stand in the…