Joseph G. Kaye has participated in a variety of social justice organizations and causes for over half a century. His writings have appeared in Haiti Progress, The National Guardian, and numerous other periodicals over the years.

Currently, he is working on Elements of Dialectics for the Political Activist while continuing his daily focus on the history of African-Americans & the Centrality of Racism.

  • Two Lines of Thought on the Middle East Peace Process

    The debate around the peace process essentially rages around two lines of thought. The first line, pragmatic, considers that it is basing itself on realities, very harsh and painful realities. They see that the US has won a huge victory in the Gulf War, that the war has had disastrous economic effects on the Palestinians,…

  • The Holocaust & Israel

    After the mounds of bones at Auschwitz, the incinerators and gas chambers, we understood those who said, “Never Again!“ We thought we understood. Except while saying, “Never Again!” they told the Palestinians they could not become citizens of the state called Israel, explaining to the world that the Jews, a chosen race of people, had…

  • Gloria Richardson

    Gloria Richardson

    Gloria Richardson remains undeterred by the threat of a Guardsman’s bayonet – Cambridge, Maryland, 1963

  • From Outer Space to 95th Street!

    From Outer Space to 95th Street!

    A 26 year old Russian girl has just come back from outer space. It was quite a feat, going around more times than all the American men put together. But what’s that got to do with 95th street?! Is life any easier on Earth because she’s flown around it? Well let’s look at 95th street…

  • Conversation with my daughter – About a star

    Conversation with my daughter – About a star

    Originally published in Sarah E. Wright and Lucy Smith’s Give Me a Child (1955) , now out of print. If you’d like to assist/keep up-to-date with efforts to get the book printed again, follow our Substack. “No, honey! That star didn’t just get there, But I am not at all surprised This is your first…

  • Conversation with my son–About flowers

    Conversation with my son–About flowers

    “Child, look for flowersIn our fields; they are there.There is a kind that growsOut of hungering soil,In spite of stiffened earth –In our fields. “There is a kind that teethes on rock,Thrives on the trampled leavings;This is a kind that will not dieUnsunnedIn our fields. “Don’t bother your head with roses!You will not want to…

  • I Went for a Job

    Originally submitted and published in multiple papers, including Philly Daily Worker, in 1953. Bookkeeper wanted? There were a lot of ads in the Philadelphia Inquirer, One whole column and a half– I picked out a good one: Bookkeeper, capable of handling complete set of books, small manufacturing concern, young woman, experienced, call between 9-11. Ask…

  • Urgency

    Originally published in Sarah E. Wright and Lucy Smith’s Give Me a Child (1955) , now out of print. If you’d like to assist/keep up-to-date with efforts to get the book printed again, follow our Substack. This moment is precious: The car has stopped. Thank God for red lights And seats enough this morning. Oh…