With Friends Like These (Workers International)
Just as a football coach knows that one cannot repeatedly plow through the middle of the line, that sometimes one has to run to the right, sometimes a little to the left, and sometimes far to the left in order to keep the opposition off balance, so those who wield political power understand the need…
On the Death Penalty
Why do we oppose the death penalty? Not for purely humanitarian reasons, not, because we are pacifists, not because we do not believe in taking life. We are prepared to fight for our liberation, including waging war. Naturally, we do not believe in taking life unnecessarily. We believe in a penal system that stresses rehabilitation…
Two Lines of Thought on the Middle East Peace Process
The debate around the peace process essentially rages around two lines of thought. The first line, pragmatic, considers that it is basing itself on realities, very harsh and painful realities. They see that the US has won a huge victory in the Gulf War, that the war has had disastrous economic effects on the Palestinians,…
On Criticism & Self-Criticism
No one, including myself, likes to be criticized. Defensiveness is something we must all struggle against. For criticism and self-criticism are the subjective means by which we advance our struggles, indispensable means. Hunger is the self-criticism of the body. If we fail to respond to that criticism, we die. Thirst and fatigue are similar criticisms. …
National Liberation and Class Struggle
The success of national-liberation movements is intimately linked to its social content. The more the national revolution adopts a social program that embraces the burning needs of the masses, the more the masses become part of that movement, the stronger that movement, the more rapid its victory and the greater the assurance against national betrayal…