Thoughts on CPE/CEP
In the interest of full disclosure, I wish to let you know that I am a Marxist. But at the same time I request that I not be held responsible for the actions of those who also claimed to have been or presently claim to be Marxist. The question has been raised (until now privately)…
Promoting a People’s Board of Education
The way we get to a goal is as important as the goal itself. More accurately stated, the way we get to a goal is inseparable from and determines how thegoal turns out. So the process of struggle in arriving at a People’s Board of Education is crucial. It should not be only the product…
The Fight for Popular Control of Education
Riding the wave of the Southern civil rights movement and the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision, the struggle in the North against the separate and unequal, racist public school system grew more intense. In New York City Rev. Milton Galamison assumed the leadership of that struggle, but he was taking over struggles…
Why We Need a Firm and Consistent Ideology
Discussion originally proposed to the People’s Power Movement Steering Committee, 2010. What is ideology? A more or less internally consistent body of ideas, set of ideas, generally concerning politics, economics, society, which usually reflects the interests and/or social position of a particular class or social stratum. In our movements, we need to strengthen our ideology…
Organizing for Organizing’s Sake
We are not about organizing for organizing’s sake. We are trying to organize a political force capable of changing our society in fundamental ways. And we understand that the only force capable of doin£ so are the masses of the people, people who are conscious of their fundamental interests, who are confident in their ability,…
Remembering a Gross Miscarriage of Justice – The Execution of Ethel & Julius Rosenberg
The hurt was deep beyond measure We sat in stunned silence around the table piled up with newspapers filled with dire predictions of the fate descending upon the innocent young parents Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. Found guilty on the perjured and patently absurd testimony of Ethel’s brother of stealing the “secret” of the atomic bomb…
National Liberation and Class Struggle
The success of national-liberation movements is intimately linked to its social content. The more the national revolution adopts a social program that embraces the burning needs of the masses, the more the masses become part of that movement, the stronger that movement, the more rapid its victory and the greater the assurance against national betrayal…