Category: Organizing

  • New Year’s 2024 – The Collapse of Socialism & its Rededication

    We have seen our precious banners scattered over the battlefield. Some of them fell when their bearers received mortal wounds. Some were flung down in cowardice. Many of our banners were besmirched by those unworthy of carrying them. Now we begin the process of re-forming our ranks, of soberly evaluating the lessons of our defeat…

  • ‘Israel’ in Latin America

    ‘Israel’ in Latin America

    This study was presented at a symposium in Cuba, arranged by the International Secretariat for Solidarity with the Arab People and their Central Cause, Palestine. The importance of the Israeli military role in Latin America can be traced back to imperialism’s defeat in Vietnam, which for a time diminished the US’s capacity to intervene directly…

  • Concerning the Establishment of an Independent Palestinian State in Part of Palestine

    With the agreement on the strategic goals of defeating the Zionist State of Israel and establishing a democratic secular state, there is still an important question of appropriate tactical goals. The one that comes up most frequently is the possibility of establishing an independent Palestinian state in part of Palestine, alongside Israel. This question comes…

  • Why Palestine?

    TERROR! CHILDREN BY THE THOUSANDSMURDERED OR MAIMED! BOMBS FALLING LIKERAIN, SOAKING THE GROUND WITH BLOOD –NO PLACE TO RUN, NO PLACE TO HIDE! Yes, Israel is bombing everything so there is no electricity, nowater, no medicine – no mercy. But why should we shed tears for the Palestinians? Don’t we inKingsbridge have enough of our…

  • Some Thoughts on Palestinian Solidarity

    The increasingly clerical-Fascist character of the Israeli state and its inexorable march to economic ruin and sharpening class struggle present ever-richer material for our educational work. Anti-Israel sentiment is on the increase in the US (public reaction to hostage crisis, for example), and anti-Zionist educational work should be stepped up. It is even possible that…

  • On Political Criteria for Participation in Election Campaigns

    It would seem useful to have some general criteria in mind in guiding us when considering participation in electoral campaigns. These criteria would seem to apply whether the office is President of the United States or school board member. The criteria enumerated below, which are not meant to be exhaustive  should not be considered to…

  • Why Do We Insist on Rejection of the Two-Party System as a Point of Unity?

    Everything begins with the understanding that the corporations and banks are the enemies of all the people, and especially the working people, and among workers,  workers of color most of all.   We understand that the corporations and banks control all the social institutions – the corporate media, the courts,  most churches, the universities, even…

  • Suggested Principles of a Pre-Party Vanguard Organization

    Originally written c. 1990-1992 The capitalist system is a slave system. One cannot make it humane any more than one could have reformed the old slave institution to make it humane.The aim of our organization is to radically transform society by ending all forms of exploitation and oppression. And nothing short of overturning the present…

  • On White Privilege

    To begin, I must qualify my observations, however, by stating that I am not speaking of the European-American upper middle class and the elite who indeed do enjoy “white skin privilege.” I am speaking of the European-American working class, first of all, and even the average segment of the European-American middle class. Of course we…

  • Why do we need a People Power Movement?

    With all of the “left” and “progressive” groups out there why do we need a People Power Movement?  Doesn’t creating another group just further splinter a divided “progressive” community? To answer these questions we need to look at our organization’s Principles of Unity:   We Believe in Independent Politics.  This means that in studying history…