Category: Marxism

  • New Year’s 2024 – The Collapse of Socialism & its Rededication

    We have seen our precious banners scattered over the battlefield. Some of them fell when their bearers received mortal wounds. Some were flung down in cowardice. Many of our banners were besmirched by those unworthy of carrying them. Now we begin the process of re-forming our ranks, of soberly evaluating the lessons of our defeat…

  • A Response to: “The Revolution Will Not Be Funded” (Tang, 2007)

    Eric Tang is to be commended and thanked for his historic sketch of the “movement,” as well as for engaging in a long-needed critical examination of the role of NGOs. I am sure Eric would be the first to agree that his reflections were not meant to be exhaustive. And so I would like to…

  • Remarks on Socialist Collapse (1999)

    Originally delivered to a conference of socialist scholars in 1999. Amidst the collapse of the socialist states and Communist Parties, and the emergence of the United States as arbiter of the destiny of the world, bourgeois pundits have proclaimed the “death of ideology” and even the “death of history.” The victory of the so-called Free…

  • “Progressives” & Anti-Cuban Doomsayers

    Everyone knows that Cuba has been going through an acute crisis in the past few years, a crisis in part the result of the US policy of destabilization (the economic blockade), in part the result of the collapse of the socialist countries, and in part – and this is left out of the contributing factors…

  • By Their Deeds Ye Shall Know Them

    The news of the collapse of Communist governments in Eastern Europe and now the Soviet Union has been received with almost universal enthusiasm across the political spectrum. That the Bushes and Thatchers of the world are pleased at the collapse of socialism is quite natural. But that people calling themselves progressive and even socialist find…

  • Open Letter to Joe Slovo & The South African Communist Party

    In these times when socialism has suffered such tragic defeats, when a petty-bourgeois tidal wave has swept over many Communist Parties of the world, particularly the parties formerly presiding over socialist construction. In these times when the dominant political motion Jiaild Wide is capitulation to the might of the trans-   nationals, the banks and…