‘Israel’ in Latin America
This study was presented at a symposium in Cuba, arranged by the International Secretariat for Solidarity with the Arab People and their Central Cause, Palestine. The importance of the Israeli military role in Latin America can be traced back to imperialism’s defeat in Vietnam, which for a time diminished the US’s capacity to intervene directly…
Why Palestine?
TERROR! CHILDREN BY THE THOUSANDSMURDERED OR MAIMED! BOMBS FALLING LIKERAIN, SOAKING THE GROUND WITH BLOOD –NO PLACE TO RUN, NO PLACE TO HIDE! Yes, Israel is bombing everything so there is no electricity, nowater, no medicine – no mercy. But why should we shed tears for the Palestinians? Don’t we inKingsbridge have enough of our…
Privileges: Prison & “White Skin”
Prison management involves use of both carrot and stick. The carrot is the “privileges” offered to the prisoner for obedient behavior. This encourages the inmate to view as a favor that which he should be receiving as a matter of right, to reduce him to dependence on the jailer’s good will, to a slavish mentality.…
There are many versions of the story of the blind men and the elephant. Some involve three blind men, some six. The essence of the story is that each of the blind men, in trying to ascertain the nature of an elephant, touch one of its parts – its flank, its leg, its trunk, etc.,…
On White Privilege
To begin, I must qualify my observations, however, by stating that I am not speaking of the European-American upper middle class and the elite who indeed do enjoy “white skin privilege.” I am speaking of the European-American working class, first of all, and even the average segment of the European-American middle class. Of course we…
Rising Racism and Jewish-Black Relations
One of the hottest most rancorous issues agitating New York City politics today is the problem of Black-Jewish relations. This is not a new issue but has had a convulsive history going back several decades. There was, for example, the struggle around the building of low-income housing in predominantly Jewish Forest Hills. There was the…
The Role of Black Activists in the General Movement
It is vital to all like-minded African-American activists to discuss the building of a Left Pole in the again-revived National Liberation movement, with a focus on these functions: