Category: International

  • Letter to Editors of Granma (1990)

    Sisters and Brothers: I salute the magnificent courage of the Cuban Communist Party and its leadership, headed by Fidel, its uncomprising steadfastness to principle, as so many Communist Parties outside Eastern Europe as well as inside are becoming uprooted before the intense gales of world reaction. I trust you received my prior letter in which…

  • Mandela: An Example of Principled Leadership

    Mandela: An Example of Principled Leadership

    Analyzing an excerpt from Nelson Mandela’s The Long Walk to Freedom, addressed to the New African Voices Alliances in the late winter of 1990. I thought I might use the speech of Nelson Mandela as an example of what good revolutionary leadership is. Everyone has noted his remarkable strength and dignity, notwithstanding the ordeal of…

  • Open Letter to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

    New York, New York – 1989 It is undoubtedly naive on my part to believe that members of such a highly responsible body as yours would take the time to read a letter from an individual, a foreign individual at that, who has no important organizational ties nor public reputation, one who, moreover, is presumptuous…

  • Excerpt from: “Iran Contragate” (1987)

    But the fact that the White House basement apparatus could have been created in spite of all the Congressional “reforms” instituted after the Watergate affair and designed to prevent just such things as occurred in Iran/Contragate proves conclusively, if proof were still needed, that only a powerful, organized popular movement can really stand in the…

  • The Holocaust & Israel

    After the mounds of bones at Auschwitz, the incinerators and gas chambers, we understood those who said, “Never Again!“ We thought we understood. Except while saying, “Never Again!” they told the Palestinians they could not become citizens of the state called Israel, explaining to the world that the Jews, a chosen race of people, had…

  • Speech of an Imaginary Palestinian

    My name is _____. I am a Palestinian. I live in the village of ____ in the ___ part of Palestine now called Israel. It is funny that I say I live there. Actually, my family, my relatives, my friends – all the people of the village were driven out by the Israelis about fifteen…