Category: International

  • Journal Excerpt – Mouna Hamzeh-Muhaisen (2000)

    From the diary of Palestinian journalist, Mouna Hamzeh-Muhaisen, in Dheisheh refugee camp, near Bethlehem, 2000. Wednesday, October 4 The numbness that I feel for the past six days continues. When I arise at 4 o’clock in the morning – I haven’t been sleeping much these past days – I try not to rush to the…

  • Backwards Claims

    Those who cry out against Israel’s ruinous policies, ruinous to the cause of world peace, ruinous to the Arab peoples, and ultimately ruinous to the Jewish people, are obeying a great moral imperative…

  • ‘Israel’ in Latin America

    ‘Israel’ in Latin America

    This study was presented at a symposium in Cuba, arranged by the International Secretariat for Solidarity with the Arab People and their Central Cause, Palestine. The importance of the Israeli military role in Latin America can be traced back to imperialism’s defeat in Vietnam, which for a time diminished the US’s capacity to intervene directly…

  • From Sabra & Shatila to the US Oil Cartel

    From Sabra & Shatila to the US Oil Cartel

    Behold the crowning achievement of the Lebanese invasion. Sabra and Shatila! True, there is little left to see now – only the bulldozer tracks over the blood-reddened earth, here and there some shell casings, a baby’s arm sticking out of a mound of dirt, the Lebanese Judases counting their pieces of Israeli silver and enjoying…

  • Concerning the Establishment of an Independent Palestinian State in Part of Palestine

    With the agreement on the strategic goals of defeating the Zionist State of Israel and establishing a democratic secular state, there is still an important question of appropriate tactical goals. The one that comes up most frequently is the possibility of establishing an independent Palestinian state in part of Palestine, alongside Israel. This question comes…

  • Why Palestine?

    TERROR! CHILDREN BY THE THOUSANDSMURDERED OR MAIMED! BOMBS FALLING LIKERAIN, SOAKING THE GROUND WITH BLOOD –NO PLACE TO RUN, NO PLACE TO HIDE! Yes, Israel is bombing everything so there is no electricity, nowater, no medicine – no mercy. But why should we shed tears for the Palestinians? Don’t we inKingsbridge have enough of our…

  • Some Thoughts on Palestinian Solidarity

    The increasingly clerical-Fascist character of the Israeli state and its inexorable march to economic ruin and sharpening class struggle present ever-richer material for our educational work. Anti-Israel sentiment is on the increase in the US (public reaction to hostage crisis, for example), and anti-Zionist educational work should be stepped up. It is even possible that…

  • The Hidden History of the Israeli-Conflict

    This is not a comprehensive history, just a few dry facts soaked in the tears of Palestinian mothers and the blood of Palestinian children.

  • Joe Kaye & Sarah E. Wright – Memories of Cuba [Video] | People’s Forum

    Hear Joe share his & Sarah E. Wright’s beautiful memories of visiting Cuba, witnessing the early fruits of the Revolution, and welcoming Fidel Castro to Harlem in 1960. The full video discussion is available from The People’s Forum.

  • The One-State Solution: Edward Said’s Politics of Despair

    Edward Said, a brilliant representative of the national aspirations of the Palestinian people, is a man who has rendered enormous service in exposing the brutality and injustice of the Israeli occupation and, recently, the hollowness of the so-called peace process, which he has rightly characterized as a process of Palestinian surrender… The present situation of…