Category: Electoral Politics

  • On Political Criteria for Participation in Election Campaigns

    It would seem useful to have some general criteria in mind in guiding us when considering participation in electoral campaigns. These criteria would seem to apply whether the office is President of the United States or school board member. The criteria enumerated below, which are not meant to be exhaustive  should not be considered to…

  • Why Do We Insist on Rejection of the Two-Party System as a Point of Unity?

    Everything begins with the understanding that the corporations and banks are the enemies of all the people, and especially the working people, and among workers,  workers of color most of all.   We understand that the corporations and banks control all the social institutions – the corporate media, the courts,  most churches, the universities, even…

  • Independent Politics

    A burning task at this political juncture is the setting in motion of a mass movement of working people toward independent politics. At this point we should define what we mean by “independent politics.” But before doing that, before discussing political strategy, we need to ensure that we share the same political goals. Without that,…

  • Why Politicians Are Not Our Legitimate Representatives

    What does “growing up” mean? It means, among other things, developing the ability to think critically. It means coming to understand that not everything that exists is right, necessary or permanent. We are born into a political system which we take for granted. We start off by thinking it is perfectly natural and democratic. Then,…

  • Open Letter to the French Communist Party

    My Ties to the French Communist Party Almost 50 years ago, your great leader Jacques Duclos sent a letter to the Communist Party of the United States which has become part of the treasure house of Party history here and which remains of great significance.Based upon the unity of the Allies in the Second World…

  • The Democratic Party

    The Democratic Party is the lightning rod of discontent.  It adapts itself to radical movements more readily than the Republicans.  It bends.  It is flexible.  And one of its main functions is to prevent the formation of a genuine people’s party, a party that would express the interests of the working people, of the oppressed…

  • The Movement’s Requirements

    There is no need to lay out all the components of today’s growing social and economic crises nor detail the symptoms of growing racism and repression. We are all aware of the problems. What we need to do is to develop a vision of how we can not only strengthen our fight against the continued…

  • Pressure Politics

    Context – Critique of an interview given by Jim Haughton on 99.5 WBAI, September 1990. Haughton said the main task was to be able to bring to bear sufficient pressure from the African-American community on Mayor Dinkins to counter the enormous pressure he faces from the powerful interests, that Dinkins wanted to do the right…

  • Political Disenfranchisement – Letter Excerpt, March 1989

    Sometimes one can find truths in ruling class literature entirely missed by the Left, or at least a good portion of it. In this quarter’s issue of Foreign Policy, a prestigious think tank publication of the Establishment, Charles William Maynes, editor of Foreign Policy magazine, the leading foreign policy publication in the United States, says…

  • Observations of the Movement

    The worst thing for people with our viewpoint to do is to act on an ad hoc basis, to merely respond to crises or opportunities, without having some plan, without being mindful of the strategic goals of the period and fitting one’s activities into that plan and subordinating one’s activities to those strategic goals. One…