Category: Collapse of Socialism

  • Remarks on Socialist Collapse (1999)

    Originally delivered to a conference of socialist scholars in 1999. Amidst the collapse of the socialist states and Communist Parties, and the emergence of the United States as arbiter of the destiny of the world, bourgeois pundits have proclaimed the “death of ideology” and even the “death of history.” The victory of the so-called Free…

  • Open Letter to the French Communist Party

    My Ties to the French Communist Party Almost 50 years ago, your great leader Jacques Duclos sent a letter to the Communist Party of the United States which has become part of the treasure house of Party history here and which remains of great significance.Based upon the unity of the Allies in the Second World…

  • The Collapse of the USSR, Tasks of Communists – Letter Excerpt, April 1993

    In my opinion, Marxist-Leninists are faced with three major responsibilities in this period: First, to keep the banner of socialism and Marxism-Leninism flying; second, to critique collectively the historical experience of socialist construction from a socialist and Marxist-Leninist standpoint, which means dialectically, not discarding that experience but embodying it in a higher theoretical synthesis, and…

  • By Their Deeds Ye Shall Know Them

    The news of the collapse of Communist governments in Eastern Europe and now the Soviet Union has been received with almost universal enthusiasm across the political spectrum. That the Bushes and Thatchers of the world are pleased at the collapse of socialism is quite natural. But that people calling themselves progressive and even socialist find…

  • Cuba Trip Impressions (1991)

    Originally published in Working People’s News – April 21, 1991 Thirty-one years ago, Sarah E. Wright, the great novelist and poet, was invited as part of a delegation of African-American writers, to attend a celebration of the revolutionary holiday July 26th, in this case the first celebration in a free Cuba. A month before her…

  • Our Socialist Trauma

    Remarks originally prepared for the Berkshire Forum, 1990. I would just offer some random observations concerning the dramatic events of the past few years, hoping to put them in proper historical perspective. It is not enough to criticize a number of aspects of socialist construction and to condemn its shortcomings. Criticism that confines itself to…

  • Open Letter to Joe Slovo & The South African Communist Party

    In these times when socialism has suffered such tragic defeats, when a petty-bourgeois tidal wave has swept over many Communist Parties of the world, particularly the parties formerly presiding over socialist construction. In these times when the dominant political motion Jiaild Wide is capitulation to the might of the trans-   nationals, the banks and…

  • Letter to Editors of Granma (1990)

    Sisters and Brothers: I salute the magnificent courage of the Cuban Communist Party and its leadership, headed by Fidel, its uncomprising steadfastness to principle, as so many Communist Parties outside Eastern Europe as well as inside are becoming uprooted before the intense gales of world reaction. I trust you received my prior letter in which…

  • Open Letter to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

    New York, New York – 1989 It is undoubtedly naive on my part to believe that members of such a highly responsible body as yours would take the time to read a letter from an individual, a foreign individual at that, who has no important organizational ties nor public reputation, one who, moreover, is presumptuous…