Are the Peacemakers Always Blessed?
As the tide of racial hatred rises throughout the country, as the incidents of racial violence escalate, as the gulf between the different communities grows ever greater, as elements in the media and various politicians whip up racial antagonism, into the breach steps people of good will, trying to reduce tensions, to build bridges, and…
Race, Class, and National Struggle
Every society has a class configuration, and it is the interests of those classes and their mutual contention which explains social dynamics. The history of the world is the history of class struggle. The reasons for strife between nations, between ethnic, religious, racial groupings, lies in the material interests of the dominant classes of one…
Anti-Racism & Class Struggle
Every society has a class configuration, and it is the interests of those classes and their mutual contention which explains social dynamics. The history of the world is the history of class struggle. The reasons for strife between nations, between ethnic, religious, racial groupings, lies in the material interests of the dominant classes of one…
Struggling Against Racism & Class Interests – Letter Excerpt, June 1989
In discussing the question of racism, I think the emphasis shifts, depending upon the audience. When speaking to a predominantly white audience, it is necessary to stress that the struggle against racism is a key and indispensable aspect of the class struggle. Without the struggle against racism, one cannot pursue a class struggle, but rather…