Category: Class

  • Promoting a People’s Board of Education

    The way we get to a goal is as important as the goal itself. More accurately stated, the way we get to a goal is inseparable from and determines how thegoal turns out. So the process of struggle in arriving at a People’s Board of Education is crucial. It should not be only the product…

  • Behind the Sad History of Public Education

    For years, the people have been under attack, the working people, people of modest means or no means at all. Corporations, not satisfied with their usual profits, their pound of flesh, have moved their factories out of this country to regions where they can get desperate workers to labor for a few dollars a day…

  • A Response to: “The Revolution Will Not Be Funded” (Tang, 2007)

    Eric Tang is to be commended and thanked for his historic sketch of the “movement,” as well as for engaging in a long-needed critical examination of the role of NGOs. I am sure Eric would be the first to agree that his reflections were not meant to be exhaustive. And so I would like to…

  • Independent Politics

    A burning task at this political juncture is the setting in motion of a mass movement of working people toward independent politics. At this point we should define what we mean by “independent politics.” But before doing that, before discussing political strategy, we need to ensure that we share the same political goals. Without that,…

  • Why Politicians Are Not Our Legitimate Representatives

    What does “growing up” mean? It means, among other things, developing the ability to think critically. It means coming to understand that not everything that exists is right, necessary or permanent. We are born into a political system which we take for granted. We start off by thinking it is perfectly natural and democratic. Then,…

  • Race, Class, and Revolution – A Few Amplifying Remarks

    Originally written June 3, 1996. CAPITALISM Capitalism breeds and is inseparable from racism, xenophobia, sexism, and a limitless assortment of inequities. Inequitable practices and the bigotry that rationalizes them are profitable! Capitalism is organized on the principle of dog-eat-dog, survival of the most ruthless. It is overwhelmingly competitive in nature. The capitalist sharks are sharp…

  • Neoliberalism: The Present Model of Capitalism Among Developed Countries

    With the rise of big business and monopolies the economically developed countries feel they can now have free trade, allowing the monopolies of other nations to come in at the expense of small and medium size domestic businesses while in return being given free rein to go abroad and operate at the expense of small…

  • The Centrality of Racism

    Racism is not central because it is only central to people of color, which it obviously is, but because it is central to the entire population…

  • Open Letter to the French Communist Party

    My Ties to the French Communist Party Almost 50 years ago, your great leader Jacques Duclos sent a letter to the Communist Party of the United States which has become part of the treasure house of Party history here and which remains of great significance.Based upon the unity of the Allies in the Second World…

  • The Democratic Party

    The Democratic Party is the lightning rod of discontent.  It adapts itself to radical movements more readily than the Republicans.  It bends.  It is flexible.  And one of its main functions is to prevent the formation of a genuine people’s party, a party that would express the interests of the working people, of the oppressed…