Category: Party Building & Activism

  • Independent Politics

    A burning task at this political juncture is the setting in motion of a mass movement of working people toward independent politics. At this point we should define what we mean by “independent politics.” But before doing that, before discussing political strategy, we need to ensure that we share the same political goals. Without that,…

  • Combating Defeatism

    While the initial response to the present crisis is working class retreat, of worldwide governmental capitulation to imperialism and especially US imperialism and the creation of a new Holy Alliance, it cannot be too long before militant resistance surfaces to challenge the global system in dozens of countries virtually simultaneously, a resistance which a hemorrhaging…

  • Why Politicians Are Not Our Legitimate Representatives

    What does “growing up” mean? It means, among other things, developing the ability to think critically. It means coming to understand that not everything that exists is right, necessary or permanent. We are born into a political system which we take for granted. We start off by thinking it is perfectly natural and democratic. Then,…

  • Left Fragmentation

    The Left is incredibly fragmented. Obviously, as long as it is in pieces it will remain weak. And yet that is not the real problem at this juncture. The real problem is that the Left is divided into essentially two pieces, if we consider only their political complexion and not other factors such as national…

  • Open Letter to the French Communist Party

    My Ties to the French Communist Party Almost 50 years ago, your great leader Jacques Duclos sent a letter to the Communist Party of the United States which has become part of the treasure house of Party history here and which remains of great significance.Based upon the unity of the Allies in the Second World…

  • The Democratic Party

    The Democratic Party is the lightning rod of discontent.  It adapts itself to radical movements more readily than the Republicans.  It bends.  It is flexible.  And one of its main functions is to prevent the formation of a genuine people’s party, a party that would express the interests of the working people, of the oppressed…

  • When Facing Disillusion

    Always remember, while capitalism produces collections of disillusioned, rudderless, dissatisfied representatives of the middle class who drift helplessly with the prevailing currents, so too does it produce staunch revolutionary leaders who, along with the masses, will proceed to the business of making history.

  • The Movement’s Requirements

    There is no need to lay out all the components of today’s growing social and economic crises nor detail the symptoms of growing racism and repression. We are all aware of the problems. What we need to do is to develop a vision of how we can not only strengthen our fight against the continued…

  • The Role of Black Activists in the General Movement

    It is vital to all like-minded African-American activists to discuss the building of a Left Pole in the again-revived National Liberation movement, with a focus on these functions:

  • Our Socialist Trauma

    Remarks originally prepared for the Berkshire Forum, 1990. I would just offer some random observations concerning the dramatic events of the past few years, hoping to put them in proper historical perspective. It is not enough to criticize a number of aspects of socialist construction and to condemn its shortcomings. Criticism that confines itself to…