
  • Two Lines of Thought on the Middle East Peace Process

    The debate around the peace process essentially rages around two lines of thought. The first line, pragmatic, considers that it is basing itself on realities, very harsh and painful realities. They see that the US has won a huge victory in the Gulf War, that the war has had disastrous economic effects on the Palestinians,…

  • The Holocaust & Israel

    After the mounds of bones at Auschwitz, the incinerators and gas chambers, we understood those who said, “Never Again!“ We thought we understood. Except while saying, “Never Again!” they told the Palestinians they could not become citizens of the state called Israel, explaining to the world that the Jews, a chosen race of people, had…

  • On the Death Penalty

    Why do we oppose the death penalty? Not for purely humanitarian reasons, not, because we are pacifists, not because we do not believe in taking life. We are prepared to fight for our liberation, including waging war. Naturally, we do not believe in taking life unnecessarily. We believe in a penal system that stresses rehabilitation…

  • Life or Death: Taking Away Habeas Corpus

    A barrage of laws and an avalanche of court rulings are stripping us of one right after another. Over one million people in prison and 3,000 on death row (the numbers mounting at unprecedented speed). No jobs for ghetto youth? “Lock ’em up.” Failing schools? “Lock ’em up.” No real drug prevention or treatment effort?…

  • Rising Racism and Jewish-Black Relations

    One of the hottest most rancorous issues agitating New York City politics today is the problem of Black-Jewish relations. This is not a new issue but has had a convulsive history going back several decades. There was, for example, the struggle around the building of low-income housing in predominantly Jewish Forest Hills. There was the…

  • Are the Peacemakers Always Blessed?

    As the tide of racial hatred rises throughout the country, as the incidents of racial violence escalate, as the gulf between the different communities grows ever greater, as elements in the media and various politicians whip up racial antagonism, into the breach steps people of good will, trying to reduce tensions, to build bridges, and…

  • By Their Deeds Ye Shall Know Them

    The news of the collapse of Communist governments in Eastern Europe and now the Soviet Union has been received with almost universal enthusiasm across the political spectrum. That the Bushes and Thatchers of the world are pleased at the collapse of socialism is quite natural. But that people calling themselves progressive and even socialist find…

  • Cuba Trip Impressions (1991)

    Originally published in Working People’s News – April 21, 1991 Thirty-one years ago, Sarah E. Wright, the great novelist and poet, was invited as part of a delegation of African-American writers, to attend a celebration of the revolutionary holiday July 26th, in this case the first celebration in a free Cuba. A month before her…

  • The Movement’s Requirements

    There is no need to lay out all the components of today’s growing social and economic crises nor detail the symptoms of growing racism and repression. We are all aware of the problems. What we need to do is to develop a vision of how we can not only strengthen our fight against the continued…

  • On Criticism & Self-Criticism

    No one, including myself, likes to be criticized.  Defensiveness is something we must all struggle against.  For criticism and self-criticism are the subjective means by which we advance our struggles, indispensable means. Hunger is the self-criticism of the body.  If we fail to respond to that criticism, we die.  Thirst and fatigue are similar criticisms. …

  • Race, Class, and National Struggle

    Every society has a class configuration, and it is the interests of those classes and their mutual contention which explains social dynamics. The history of the world is the history of class struggle. The reasons for strife between nations, between ethnic, religious, racial groupings, lies in the material interests of the dominant classes of one…