Suggested Principles of a Pre-Party Vanguard Organization

Originally written c. 1990-1992

The capitalist system is a slave system. One cannot make it humane any more than one could have reformed the old slave institution to make it humane.
The aim of our organization is to radically transform society by ending all forms of exploitation and oppression. And nothing short of overturning the present (capitalist) system can accomplish this. All our political work is directed toward carrying out this aim.

The people’s liberation can only be the work of the people themselves. Liberation cannot be achieved by an individual or group standing above the people and acting on their behalf. It is the responsibility of leaders to encourage the ever-greater participation of the people in political struggle, while pointing out the aims of the struggle and promoting the people’s confidence in themselves and in their ultimate victory.

We base ourselves on the science of political struggle. In waging our struggles, we learn from historical experience and take into account the teachings of the great thinkers of the past. Thus, we base ourselves on Marxism-Leninism.. We also embrace the legacy of the principles and activities of the International founded by Lenin. We are proud of the enormous achievements of the Soviet Union and other socialist states, proud of their record of struggle, against Fascism, colonialism, neocolonialism, and for world peace…

At the same time the collapse of the socialist system in those countries where it existed, and the renunciation by the vast majority of Marxist-Leninist Parties else where of their revolutionary mission, forces us to reexamine the road traveled in a critical light so that we do not merely attempt to go back to what was before but take the struggle to a higher level, learning from the mistakes of the past.
In the case of the leading force for socialism, the Soviet Union, this means that we not only critically examine the situation in the time of Gorbachev, not only critically examine the situation in the time of Khruschev, but also critically examine the serious deformations of socialism and Marxism-Leninism that developed in the time of Stalin.

Our educational task is to enlighten the masses on the nature of the capitalist system, how it works, and especially the variety of methods used by the system to protect itself, its buffers.

We operate on the understanding that in this class-divided society the working class is key to liberation, but that those in the forefront of struggle will be that part of the class with the greatest stake in changing the system and with the least to lose by engaging in militant struggle
against it — the lower strata of the working class.

This country was not only founded on capitalist principles but on the institution of chattel slavery, which played a central role in this country’s political and economic history. And the legacy of slavery remains central. Racism/white supremacy has been the ruling class’ chief means of ideological control, as well as a vital component of the exploitation of the great majority of the population.

The struggle against racism is therefore central to social and political advancement. Further, given their class position and given their special history in this country, the African-American masses will play as they have done in the past — a central role in the struggle for democracy and for social transformation. The advance of the anti-racist struggle and the success of the African-American liberation movement is central to the cause of all working people, as well as other strata which have an interest in social progress and democracy. This does not mean that other oppressed and exploited groups are subordinate to African-Americans, but that African-Americans have the strongest interest in the most radical transformation of society and are clearest on the issue of racism, which is what hinders, to one degree or another, other oppressed and exploited groups from acting with the greatest consistency and determination.

To achieve victory in the struggle for a new society requires the firmest unity among those who have no stake in the present system, above all, unity of the working people. But alliances must also be forged with other strata. Such alliances, however, are pernicious if they are not led by the working class.

A vital step in ridding ourselves of this system consists of breaking away from the ideological control and from the mechanisms of political control of the ruling class, which means, above all, breaking from the political shell game known as the two-party system. We must develop our own independent politics. But electoral politics is only a small part of political struggle and is always subordinate to building up mass organizations and the capacity of the people to engage in mass struggle.

The liberation struggle in this country is intimately tied to the liberation struggles of peoples around the world, and this is becoming increasingly true with the continuing evolution of the global economy. We believe it therefore necessary not only to assist in the creation of a new party guided by Leninist principles, but to work for the closest cooperation with similar groups and parties on an international level. A vital part of the process of raising the consciousness of the working people to the level necessary for self-emancipation involves their becoming imbued with an internationalist spirit.

The proposed formation of this organization implies serious criticism of existing parties that claim to be based on Marxism-Leninism. We believe such organizations are compromised by ultra-Leftism or reformism, and are universally guilty of serious violations of the Leninist norm of internal party life, based on the principles of criticism and self-criticism, and democratic centralism.