Racism as “Phenomenon” – Letter Excerpt, July 1989

That the elaborate and all-pervasive system of racism has been vital to the economic and political well-being of the masters of society is a truism in all progressive sectors of society, among all left groupings. That racism is of such strategic importance that no democratic movement of any kind can generate the necessary power to have a serious social impact without racism – this is less well understood.

No serious working class movement can develop – either on the economic or political plane – without addressing racism.

No independent working class political movement can be created without addressing racism. No sufficient force can be brought to bear on US foreign policy, such as will pose a serious obstacle to imperialist designs, without addressing racism.

And when we say “addressing” racism, we mean conducting an all-out onslaught against it.

Racism is not an either/or phenomenon. It has varying degrees, and with quantitative differences there are qualitative differences. In addition, there are degrees of sensitivity to the situation of the African-American, to the history of the African-American, and to the culture of the African-American. All of this bears on the political struggle.

The progress of class consciousness, of socialist consciousness can be measured pretty directly by the progress of anti-racist consciousness.

Every major step forward in the labor struggle has required a deepening of the struggle against racism. Every let-up or retreat in the struggle against racism has resulted in the serious weakening or emasculation of the labor movement.

It is important that at every gathering of white activists they should be made to examine their practice in this regard. The idea is not to beat them down but to encourage them to reexamine their thinking so that they can make a real contribution to the cause of socialism, to the cause of democracy, and to the cause of peace.