A Word About the Liberals – Letter Excerpt, October 1988

A word about the liberals. WE need to wage an all-out ideological war against them. We need to expose every vacillation, every instance of cowardice, opportunism, etc. But this does not preclude entering into agreements with them around specific issues or actions. There are times when tangible benefits for the masses and better conditions for further struggle accrue from such temporary agreements.

Exposure of the liberals is not facilitated by boycotting them, under ordinary circumstances. Such boycotts become a weapon in their hands, calling into question the sincerity of radicals in promoting desired social ends. Such boycotts can also play into the hands of the reactionaries and fascists.

It is easy to be “principled” in a boycott situation. Far more difficult is it to keep one’s bearing in a joint struggle with liberals. The task is to prevent a joint struggle with liberals from becoming a liberal struggle.

On the other hand, as I have said before, alliances with liberals just for the sake of broadening one’s appeal is incorrect. It must be shown that the movement is advanced thereby, that whatever tangible gains are won or stand a better chance of being won, are not purchased at the price of the beclouding of the people’s consciousness or a reduction in their combativity.